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Events Research Programme

November 2021: Events Research Programme: Phase II and III findings (Environmental and Behavioural)
July 2021: Phase III Research Protocol 
July 2021: Phase I Findings Report (Environmental Studies)
June 2021: Phase II Research Protocol
May 2021: EMG and SPI-B: Application of CO2 monitoring as an approach to managing ventilation to mitigate SARS-CoV-2 transmission (contributor)
April 2021: Phase I Plan of Work

Peer-reviewed Journal Papers

October 2022: Monitoring and Modelling the Impact of Ventilation On The Long-Range Exposure Risk to SARS-CoV-2 Laden Aerosols in Restaurants (pre-print)
September 2022: A post-occupancy study of ventilation effectiveness from high-resolution
CO2 monitoring at live theatre events to mitigate airborne transmission of
August 2022: A population framework for predicting the proportion of people infected by the far-field airborne transmission of SARS-CoV-2 indoors
March 2021: Modelling uncertainty in the relative risk of exposure to the SARS-CoV-2 virus by airborne aerosol transmission in well mixed indoor air


June 2022: Post-Occupancy study of indoor air quality in university laboratories during the pandemicIndoor Air 2022
February 2022: Airborne Infection Reduction Through Building Operation and Design (AIRBODS)[CIBSE Building Simulation Group / IBPSA Event – Part 2 – 24/02/22]: Full webinar video
January 2022: Application of CO2 monitoring methods for post- occupancy evaluation of ventilation effectiveness to mitigate airborne disease transmission at events
May 2021: 1) AIRBODS: A brief overview & 2) Estimating the risk of exposure to SARS-CoV2 by airborne aerosols [CIBSE Building Simulation Group / IBPSA Event – Part 1 – 05/05/21] : Full webinar video

AIRBODS Guidance (launched March 22nd, 2023)

AIRBODS Findings and Guidance for Airborne Infection Resilience
BODS Tool (beta version) – under final review and will be uploaded once completed.
Recording of launch event.


October 2022: Calculating indoor infection risk
March 2022: Fresh thinking on designing for ventilation
March 2022: Better buildings need a breath of fresh air
September 2021: COVID in schools – how ventilation can help to combat spread of virus
May 2021: Why space volume matters in Covid-19 transmission
May 2021: Natural Ventilation News (see Page 4)